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Two Favorite Therapeutic Poets: Rupi Kaur and Cleo Wade

9 Mar

My name is Vanetta Rivera, I am a new librarian assistant at the Grand street branch. I enjoy reading poetry because I feel like it’s very therapeutic and there is always a poem that can help me relate to how I am feeling. With poetry it is like any complicated topic is put beautifully into words. Rupi Kaur and Cleo Wade are currently two of my favorite poets. Both poets have helped me to understand the world around me in a clearer perspective.

Rupi Kaur’s latest book Home Body has only four chapters and is a very short, yet interesting read. The chapters are Mind, Heart, Rest, and Awake. After reading the first chapter I could not put the book down to stop reading. My favorite chapter was Mind, there are so many poems in this chapter that are relative to everyday life. The poems in this chapter also inspire those going through difficult times to not give up. For example the poem on page 19,” you are lonely but you are not alone -there is a difference.” You can read a post about Milk and Honey, a previous book of poetry by Kaur, here.

Cleo Wade’s 2018 book, Heart Talk: Poetic Wisdom For a Better Life has also been a page turner. Cleo Wade is most popularly known for her poetic affirmations that she posts on social media daily. Heart Talk: Poetic Wisdom For a Better Life, jumps right into self care poetry. As stated in the book the poems consist of loving, being and healing. One of my favorite poems in this book can be found on page 37. ( included below )

Clean Out Your Thoughts –
They Have The Power to Cover
Your Entire Life In Dirt

If you’re interested in reading books written by these two awesome poets, their books are available in the BCCLS library system.

Written by :
Vanetta Rivera 
Librarian Assistant at the Grand Street Branch