Archive | May, 2022

Check out these Young Adult Books for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

25 May

These terrific books for teens may be of interest to adults as well. In case you missed it we had a list of AAPI books for adults earlier this month as well.

Loveboat, Taipei
by Abigail Hing Wen
A Chinese American teen is sent to the infamous “Loveboat” in Taiwan for the summer. She discovers Taipei nightlife, hookups &freedom.

Not Here to Be Liked 
by Michelle Quach
After losing the editor’s job of the school newspaper, a Chinese American teen starts a feminist movement amid growing tensions.

How We Fall Apart
by Katie Zhao
A thriller about four Asian teens, all juniors at a Manhattan Prep school, who are forced to confront secrets after one of their closest friends is found dead.

by Samira Ahmed
A terrifying, futuristic U.S. where Muslim-Americans are forced into internment camps, and 17-year-old Layla must lead a revolution against complicit silence.

The Downstairs Girl
by Stacey Lee
In Atlanta, 1890, a 17-year-old Chinese girl works as a lady’s maid for a cruel and wealthy Southern woman. By night, she writes a newspaper advice column for Southern ladies.

All-American Muslim Girl
by Nadine Courtney
A 16-year-old Muslim girl struggles to claim her Muslim heritage, while finding her place as an American teen.

Tokyo Ever After
by Emiko Jean
After learning that her father is the Crown Prince of Japan, an 18-year-old travels to Tokyo and discovers that Japanese imperial life is a tough fit for a teen from northern CA.

You can also borrow the books in print from Hoboken and other BCCLS Libraries!

Book List Adapted from 2022 AAPI Heritage Month Brochure created by:
Ethan Galvin
Information and Digital Services Librarian

A Satirical Dystopian Gem: Glitterati by Oliver K. Langmead

18 May
image from

Simone seems to have everything.  He is one of the Glitterati, fashionable elites who are so wealthy that their every whims are catered to without even being aware of things like servants and money.  The Glitterati world is one defined by strict codes of fashion and conduct with styles and trends cycling through at a rapid speed.  Memories are wiped any time anything unpleasant happens to prevent frown lines and worry wrinkles.  Simone, his wife Georgie and their Glitterati friends live always in the near future of the next fashion trend they are chasing.  Ugly people are to be avoided and pitied.  Langmead fills the world with creative and whimsical details like water beds filled with living fish and a house that can be any of the seasons its owner chooses.  This helps offset that for much of the novel Simone, Georgie and their friends are thoroughly unsympathetic characters and the novel meanders a bit before forming a plot.  However, humanity (and a plot point) is brought into their lives with the child, a toddler who appears one day in their garden.  Their efforts to understand this new addition bring in humor and caring; I came away appreciating my ugly, messy life more than I had before. Besides Giltterati available from eBCCLS, which was released yesterday, you can read two of Langmead’s previous works Dark Star and Metronome from Hoopla.

Written by:
Aimee Harris
Information and Digital Services Manager