Archive | October, 2020

A Chilling Halloween Read: Mexican Gothic

28 Oct

So with Halloween close upon us, it’s about the time that many of us start seeking out reads that will send a chill up our spines, something that makes us stay up at night or look over our shoulder. There are quite a few different types of horror one can explore and for many, they may want something with a gothic, creepy feel rather than something that’s filled with gore.

That’s where Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia comes in. After receiving a desperate letter from her newly wed cousin, Catalina, Naomi Taboada heads out to High Place, an ancient English Mansion in the center of the Mexican countryside to investigate and bring Catalina home. From the moment she arrives, everything about High Place unsettles her, from the manor itself to the members of the Doyle family that live within, save one, the gentle and shy Francis Doyle, brother to Catalina’s husband.

Through the book, we are woven a narrative of dark family secrets, ghosts that roam the halls, and everything one would look for in a gothic-horror novel. The fear factor slowly creeps in on you with well crafted prose and pulls you into a world that keeps you looking over your shoulder. While a good chunk of the novel is spent focused on the creepier side of things, there are parts that will bring in blood, its handled in a way that doesn’t come of as merely shock factor.

So if you’re looking for something spooky to read to put you in the mood for Halloween or the Mexican holiday Día de MuertosMexican Gothic is one that is highly recommended. It is available as ebooks and digital audiobooks from eLibraryNJ and eBCCLS!

Written By:
Lauren Lapinski
Circulation Assistant

The Perfect Graphic Novel for Pumpkin Spice Season: Pumpkinheads

21 Oct

Hello fellow readers, fall is here and that means its pumpkin spice season. So, if you’re in the mood to read a great book let me recommend Rainbow Rowell’s Pumpkinheads. It’s a young adult graphic novel about two best friends who work in the best place of all…a pumpkin patch at a pumpkin festival. As the story goes on, both best friends Josiah and Deja go on a quest to find the girl of Josiah’s dreams. As they try very hard to execute their mission, Deja cannot help but make many pit stops along the way to have some harvest delights like caramel apples and kettle corn. The artwork is amazing. I highly recommend this graphic novel to all fall lovers. I gave this story a five out of five stars!

Michelle Valle
Circulation Assistant