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Adult Retro Gaming at HPL

10 Aug

Ed. note: Did you know that the Hoboken Public Library has a vast collection of loanable video games for platforms such as the Wii, XBox 360, and PlayStation 4? We have the latest games, but sometimes we like to play the old-school games too. 🙂 

Please join us for Adult Retro Gaming on Monday August 15 at 6 PM, as part of our ongoing library programming series “Why Do Kids Have All the Fun?”  Open to all adults ages 18 and up, come in play or just even root on your friends to set a High Score on some of your favorite retro video games such as the following timeless Atari Classics.



Missile Command

Missle Command

Space Invaders

Space Invaders.jpg

We will serve hot pizza and fresh Popcorn from our popcorn maker, all set to the backdrop of early 1980s pop music!  Setting those high scores might even net you a Target gift card!

If seeing any of these screen shots sparks your nostalgia and kicks in your competitive juices, please call the Reference Department at 201-420-2347 or sign up at Eventbrite.

-Written by Philip Mendez, Senior Library Assistant